How does a small business marketing consultant build a strong digital presence for your brand?

What exactly does a small business marketing consultant do?

A small business marketing consultant helps your businesses build a stronger digital presence through various strategies such as lead generation, SEO, and content strategy. At In The Willow, we conduct an initial business health check to

  1. Identify where problems lie within your business;
  2. Realise where opportunities exist within your business for growth; and
  3. Create and implement a marketing strategy to help you attract your target audience. 

We use Inbound Marketing Methodology to attract, engage, and delight your customers and create meaningful, lasting relationships with them. Working with you, we understand where your business is currently sourcing its leads from and where you can open up other channels. 

As a Marketing Consultant – We attract your target audience 

Unlike traditional marketing methods that involve buying attention through ads and other promotional material, we earn your audience’s interest by giving them something of value. This can range anywhere from creating exceptional content to crafting a powerful marketing strategy for you. 

(RELATED: Why hire a marketing consultant?)

As a Small Business Coach – We convert customers into qualified marketing leads 

After building trust with your target audience, we nurture the relationship further. You partner with a marketing consultant for small business who will advise on how to capture the contact information of your site’s visitors, either through call-to-actions (CTAs) or contact tracking, so that you can reach out to them again in the future. 

As a Small Business Marketing Consultant – We “close” your leads to happy customers

There are a few techniques, such as email marketing, that we recommend businesses to transform leads into customers. 

As an overall Strategic Marketing Agency – We delight your customers with continuous engagement

With inbound marketing, we don’t abandon your customers once they make a purchase. Our goal is to establish brand loyalty and we do this by continuing to engage your customers online through social media interaction and email automation, among others. 

An inbound approach to online marketing gives your company a lasting competitive advantage. When your customers love your brand, they will naturally tell other people about their experience – promoting your business even further! 

Call us today to learn more.

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